MTH 131 - Applied Calculus

Spring 2019

MTH 131 - Applied Calculus
Cinque Terre

General Education Outcomes

MTH 131 satisfies the A1 - science, technology, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) and B3 - mathematical, statistical, or computational general education outcomes.

Learning Outcomes

At the end of the course you should be able to:

  • Functions and Change. Identify functions as linear, exponential, or periodic, compute the change and average rate of change for given functions, and solve exponential growth/decay problems arising from different application fields.
  • Rate of Change.Interpret the concept of derivative as the rate of change, and approximate the derivative at a single point, approximate the derivative functions given by tables and graphs, and predict function values by using the linear approximation method.
  • Limits and Continuity. Perform analysis and computation of limits by analytic, graphical and numerical methods, and use limits to investigate continuity of functions. Use definition of derivative to derive derivatives for simple polynomials.
  • Derivatives. Use techniques of differentiation, including the product, quotient, and chain rules to derive derivatives for polynomials, powers, exponentials, periodic functions and their compositions.
  • Definite and Indefinite Integrals. Interpret definite integrals as areas, and evaluate them by numerical approximations and by the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. Derive indefinite integrals by using power rule, exponential rule, logarithm rule, and rules for periodic functions.
  • Applications of Derivatives. Use first and second derivatives to determine max/min values and locations for given functions, and to apply them to investigate the behaviors of logistic and surge functions.