Fall 2019
Welcome to the Fall 2019 course website for MTH 131 - Applied Calculus! This website is the course syllabus. MTH 131 satisfies the A1 - science, technology, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) and B3 - mathematical, statistical, or computational general education outcomes.
Applied Calculus is a coordinated course with common evening exams. All pertinent information about the course can be found by using the tabs above. Section specific announcements and individual grades will be available via Sakai. Course grades, useful resources, and information specific to your section may also be found on Sakai. The PCE Program for MTH 131 will additionally operate within Sakai. You should check the Sakai site and your URI email frequently.
Section | Day/Time | Room | Instructor | Wiley Link |
0001 | MWF 9-9:50 A.M. | Pastore 201 | Erin Denette | www.wileyplus.com/class/715905 |
0002 | TTh 8-9:15 A.M. | Robman 109 | Eric Peterson | www.wileyplus.com/class/715906 |
0003 | MWF 10-10:50 A.M. | Pastore 201 | Erin Denette | www.wileyplus.com/class/715907 |
0004 | MWF 10-10:50 A.M. | Advedisian 240 | Madhav Sharma | www.wileyplus.com/class/715908 |
0005 | MWF 12-12:50 P.M. | Swan 305 | Jessica Tolchinsky | www.wileyplus.com/class/715909 |
0006 | MWF 2-2:50 P.M. | Quinn 103 | Christine Marcotte | www.wileyplus.com/class/715910 |
0007 | TTh 9:30-10:45 A.M. | Washburn 316 | Araceli Bonifant | www.wileyplus.com/class/715911 |
0008 | TuTh 8-9:15 A.M. | Swan 203 | Charles Faella | www.wileyplus.com/class/715912 |
0009 | TuTh 12:30-1:45 P.M. | Swan 206 | Charles Faella | www.wileyplus.com/class/715913 |
Lecture: (3 credits). Basic topics in calculus for students who do not need all the topics in 141. Limits, derivatives, and integrals of algebraic, logarithmic, and exponential functions. Applications including graphing, maxima and minima problems, etc. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: passing a placement test or C- or better in MTH 103 or MTH 111. Not for major credit in mathematics. Not open to students with credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 141. (A1) (B3)
MTH 131 is a calculus course primarily intended for students in the life or social sciences, such as Biology, Pharmacy, and Economics. It is different than the four-credit calculus course, MTH 141, designed for students who intend to take more advanced math, such as engineering, computer science, and mathematics majors. The main emphasis will on the practical interpretation of calculus in numerical, graphical, and algebraic terms, although important theoretical concepts will also be covered. The main topics of the course are functions, differentiation, integration and applications.