Instructor: Lubos Thoma | Email: | |
Office: Lippitt Hall 102H | Tel: 874.4451 |
Class schedule: TR 12.30 -- 1.45pm, Lippitt Hall 201
Office hours: TR 10.00am and by appointment
This is a new graduate topics class offered in our
The purpose of the course is to present the fundamental concepts and
techniques of the probabilistic method.
The class will include
topics such as random graphs and networks, phase transitions,
random walks and matrices, randomized algorithms,
percolation, and pseudorandomness.
Topics covered:
N. Alon, J. Spencer: The probabilistic method, Wiley
Additional texts:
J. Matousek, J. Vondrak:
The probabilistic method
S. Janson, T. Luczak, A. Rucinski: Random graphs, Wiley
B. Bollobas, Random Graphs, Cambridge Univ. Press
M. Molloy, B. Reed:
Graph Colouring and the Probabilistic Method
M. Mitzenmacher, E. Upfal,
Probability and Computing - Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis,
Cambridge Univ. Press
Penrose: Random geometric graphs
Accommodations: Students who require accommodations and who have documentation from Disability Services (874-2098) should make arrangements with me as soon as possible.