MTH 548 / CSC 548   Topics in Combinatorics:   Graph Theory

Fall 2005

Instructor: Lubos Thoma                   Email:
Office: Tyler Hall 214 Tel: 874.4451

 Class schedule: TR 3.30 - 4.45pm, Math. department conference room, Tyler Hall
 Office hours: TR 1.00 - 2.00pm and by appointment

Links: Syllabus:   postscript   pdf

Description:   The purpose of the course is to present the basic concepts and techniques of graph theory as well as some of their applications Topics, to include: fundamentals, connectivity, matchings, colorings, extremal problems, ramsey theory, algebraic techniques.

Textbook:     D. West, Introduction to graph theory, Prentice Hall, 2nd edition.

Additional texts:
      R. Diestel, Graph Theory, Grad. Texts in Math. 73, Springer Verlag 1997.
      A. Bondy, U.S.R. Murty, Graph Theory with Applications
      B. Bollobas, Modern graph theory, Grad. Texts in Math. 73, Springer Verlag.

Accommodations: Students who require accommodations and who have documentation from Disability Services (874-2098) should make arrangements with me as soon as possible.