Instructor: Lubos Thoma Office: Lippit Hall 101G, tel: 874.4451 Class Schedule: TuTh 8.00 -- 9.15am, Swan Hall 203 (Section 0001) TuTh 11.00am -- 12.15pm, Wales Hall 226 (Section 0003) |
Find the volume of cool and unusual geometric shapes. |
Fluid flow velocity is a vector field. Vortices are localized regions of high curl. |
Final Exam: The final exam is a comprehensive exam and will be given in a common slot as scheduled by the Registrar.
Description: MTH 243 is a third calculus course, with the focus on functions of 2,3, and more variables and the extensions of the ideas of elementary calculus to higher dimensions.
Objectives: At the conclusion of this semester you will be able to:
Syllabus, schedule, and class materials: Please login into sakai at URI.
Textbook: McCallum, Hughes-Hallet, et. al., Calculus: Multivariable (5th Edition) with WileyPlus, Wiley, ISBN: 978-0-470-13158-9.
We will be using WileyPlus online homework system this semester.
To sign up for the WileyPlus system, you will need a WileyPlus registration code.
If you buy a copy of our textbook at the URI Bookstore, a registration code
for WileyPlus will be included with the book at no additional cost.
If you buy a copy somewhere else and it does not include WileyPlus code, you will need to purchase a WileyPlus code separately.
The cost of a registration code at the Wiley site:
WileyPlus is about $50.
You can find registration instructions under 'WileyPlus' in Sakai.
Calculator: A graphing calculator is required.
Prerequisites: MTH 142 or equivalent.
Accommodations: Any student with a documented disability is welcome to contact me as early in the semester as possible so that we may arrange reasonable accommodations. As part of this process, please be in touch with Disability Services for Students Office at 330 Memorial Union, 401-874-2098.
The Academic Enhancement Center:
Regular study and practice with the course material is imperative for success in this class.
The Academic Enhancement Center’s ( , 874-2367) Math & Physics Walk-In Tutoring will help you with this.
Math & Physics Walk-In tutoring, located in rooms 201 and 205 in Lippitt Hall, is a
no-appointment-needed tutoring center where you can work with tutors and other students
in this and other math courses. They provide free support in all math courses up to MTH 243.
Bring your book, notes, and questions with you.
Tutoring is a great place to practice with classmates and friends, prep for exams, and review what we’re learning in class. Check here
for an up-to-date schedule of tutors’ hours.