Instructor: Lubos Thoma
Office: Lippit Hall 101G, tel: 874.4451
Class Schedule:
Section 6, TuTh 9.30--10.45am, Kelley Hall 103
Section 8, TuTh 12.30--1.45pm, Gilbreth Hall 101
Decsription Math 131 is a calculus
course primarily intended for students in the life or social sciences, such as
Biology, Pharmacy, and Economics. It is different (but not easier) than the
four-credit calculus course, Math 141, designed for students who intend
to take more advanced math, such as engineering, computer science,
and mathemactics
majors. The main emphasis will on the practical interpretation of calculus in
numerical, graphical, and algebraic terms, although important theoretical
concepts will also be covered. The main topics of the course are functions,
differentiation, integration and applications.
Central Webpage for MTH131
Access the class schedule, exam schedule, and practice exams.
The syllabus is available at Sakai.
A detailed schedule and a list of suggested problems can be found
Hughes-Hallett, et. al., Applied Calculus, fourth edition.
A graphing calculator is required. (TI-83..89 recommended
but others may be suitable too.)
Calculators may not be permitted for
some class quizzes and for parts of exams.
Online homework with WileyPlus
We will be using an online homework system by Wiley. The registration is section specific. To register
follow these links
Section 6:
Section 8:
In addition to your instructor's office hours, you can seek help at the Academic Enhancement Center (AEC) in Roosevelt Hall. AEC tutors can answer questions, clarify concepts, check your understanding, and help you to study. You can make an appointment or walk in. For a complete schedule go to the AEC
web site, call (401) 874-2367, or
stop by the fourth floor in Roosevelt Hall.
Any student with a documented disability is welcome to contact me as early in the semester as possible so that we may arrange reasonable accommodations. As part of this process, please be in touch with Disability Services for Students Office at 330 Memorial Union, 401-874-2098.
Exams and Evaluation
There will be three evening exams (6.00 -- 7.30pm) given during the semester outside of class. Their dates
can be found on the class schedule and our syllabus. All sections will take these exams.
The final exam will be scheduled at a common time for all sections.
The final exam is a comprehensive exam covering material from the whole semester.
The exams will reflect the variety of the homework problems. Do not expect to be asked merely to solve homework problems with the numbers changed. The best way to prepare for the exams, and to develop confidence in your ability to solve problems, is to work on the homework problems as suggested.
Evaluation: Your grade will be determined out of a possible of 650 points:
three common exams, 100 points for each exam
final exam 200 points
quizzes and online homework 150 points