MTH 111 Precalculus

Summer 2007

Instructor: Lubos Thoma
Office: Tyler Hall 214, tel: 874.4451
Class Schedule:   MW 6.00 -- 9.45pm;   Providence campus
Office hours:   MW before class and by appointment

Syllabus:   A detailed schedule and a list of suggested problems can be found   here.

Textbooks:   Just-In-Time Algebra and Trigonometry (3rd Edition), Mueller and Brent. 
                     Fundamentals of Precalculus , Dugopolski.
                     (Note: These two texts are packaged together in the bookstore. You will need both of them. )

Calculator:   A graphing calculator is required (see Technology)
                    TI-83 Troubleshooting

Exams and Grading: There will be two midterms and a comprehensive final exam. Your course grade will be based on a 450 point system as follows:

Two midterms 200 points
Comprehensive final 160 points
Quizzes and classwork 90 points


Tutoring: Tutors are available at both the Providence and Kingston campuses. Here is a detailed schedule:

                Providence campus, room 222:   MTuWTh 1 -- 6pm
                Kingston campus, offices 201 -- 203:
                                Z. Kudlak:   M 10:00 - 2:00,   W 12:30 - 3:30,   Th 1:00 - 4:00
                                S. Basu:   M 11:30-3:30,   Tu 11:30-3:30,   W 11:30-1:30

General Information