Graduate Program in Mathematics

Welcome and thank you for your interest in the graduate program! The graduate program in mathematics offers both the Master's and doctoral degrees.
The department has research groups in complex dynamical systems, discrete mathematics, difference equations, numerical PDEs and linear algebra, probability, mathematical biology, data science, and machine learning. We run regular seminars featuring visiting and our faculty and students.

The catalog description and requiments for the Master's program, pure and applied tracks, can be found here. The Master's program pure track is designed for students considering to continue to earn their Ph.D. in mathematics.

When applying to the Ph.D. program (with a Master's degree), we ask that you have a major professor who agrees to work with you. Please contact the faculty depending on your research interests. Our faculty covers multiple research areas. In addition, you can find the list of individual faculty here. The catalog description and requiments of the Ph.D. program can be found here.
Graduate faculty at the department

Application: The online application to the graduate school is available here and the application checklist is here. Our programs do not require GRE scores.
   Graduate school's application fee waiver criteria.
   Additional information for international applicants.

Deadlines: The deadlines for both Master's and doctoral programs are July 15 for Fall semester and November 15 for Spring semester.
The department has several assistantships available every year. These are awarded on the academic year (Fall-Spring) basis and the deadline for a full consideration for a teaching assistantship in our program is March 1.

Questions? Contact Lubos Thoma, Graduate director,
