Discrete Mathematics Seminar
Spring 2025
February 12 | F. Bailey, URI | Choice Numbers of Graphs: a Probabilistic Approach |
In this seminar we explore key results from the paper Choice Numbers of Graphs:
a Probabilistic Approach by Noga Alon.
In particular, we will prove there exists a constant $c$, such that the
choice number of $K_{m\star r}$ has an upper bound of
$s_0=cr\log(m)$. We start with Case 1 where the number of partitions is less than
or equal to the number of vertices in each partition,
$r\leq m$. Then we will consider Case 2: where the number of partitions is greater than
the number of vertices in each partition, $r>m$.
This approach gives insights into the probabilistic methods used in the proof and demonstrates
how ideas of graph colorings have developed.
Fall 2024
November 1 | D. Cranston, Virginia Commonwealth University | Proper Conflict-free Coloring of Graphs with Large Maximum Degree |
A proper coloring of a graph is \emph{conflict-free} if, for every non-isolated vertex, some color
is used exactly once on its neighborhood. Caro, Petru\v{s}evski, and \v{S}krekovski proved that every
graph $G$ has a proper conflict-free coloring with at most $5\Delta(G)/2$ colors and conjectured that
$\Delta(G)+1$ colors suffice for every connected graph $G$ with $\Delta(G)\ge 3$. Our first main result
is that even for list-coloring, $\left\lceil1.6550826\Delta(G)+\sqrt{\Delta(G)}\right\rceil$ colors suffice for
every graph $G$ with $\Delta(G)\ge 10^{8}$; we also prove slightly weaker bounds for all graphs with
$\Delta(G)\ge 750$. These results follow from our more general framework on proper conflict-free
list-coloring of a pair consisting of a graph $G$ and a ``conflict'' hypergraph $H$. Our proof uses a fairly
new type of recursive counting argument called Rosenfeld counting, which is a variant of the Lov\'{a}sz Local
Lemma or entropy compression. This is joint work with Chun-Hung Liu.