1. Computational topology,
Herbert Edelsbrunner and John L. Harer, AMS 2. Elements of Algebraic Topology, James R. Munkres, Addison-Wesley 3. Algebraic Topology, Allen Hatcher, Cambridge U. Press |
1/26 |
0. Introduction
a. Introducing basic ideas of TDA b. Intro video: Introduction to persistent homology by Matthew Wright |
2/2 |
1a. Graphs
a. Graphs b. Curves c. Knots, links |
1b. Basics of Topology
a. Topological spaces, metric space topology b. Maps: homeomorphisms, homotopy equivalence c. Manifolds notes: connected vs. path-connected spaces, basic topology |
2/9 |
2. Surfaces
a. 2-dimensional manifolds b. Triangulation notes: data structures (youtube) |
2/16 2/23 |
3. Complexes
a. Simplicial complexes b. Convex set systems c. Dellaunay, Alpha complexes d. Vietoris-Rips complexes notes: A roadmap for the computation of persistent homology |
3/2 3/9 |
4. Homology
a. Chains, boundaries, homology groups, betti numbers b. Induced maps among homology groups c. Homology groups d. Matrix reduction e. Relative homology f. Exact sequences |
3/23 3/30 |
5. Duality
a. Cohomology b. Poincare, Alexander duality c. Intersection theory d. Alexander duality |
4/6 4/13 |
7. Topological persistence
a. Filtrations, Persistent homology b. Persistence algorithm c. Persistence diagram, extended persistence d. Spectral sequences |
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9. Applications
Z. Cang, L. Mu, G. Wei,
Representability of algebraic topology for biomolecules
in machine learning based scoring and virtual screening
4/20 |
8. Stability
a. Matrix decomposition and updating b. Stability theorems c. Bipartite graph matching |
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9. Applications
a. Measures for gene expression data b. Elevation for protein docking c. Persistence for image segmentation |
6. Morse functions
a. Generic smooth functions b. Transversality c. Reeb graphs, approximating Reeb graphs from data |
10. Topology inference from data
a. Computing homology from data b. Sparsification to handle big data |
11. Computing optimized homology cycles
a. Computing shortest basis cycles on surfaces b. Computing shortest basis cycles from data points |