Welcome to the webpage for Math 111 Spring 2019.
The math department expects that you will give this course 12-14 hours per week of your undivided attention, in addition to class time.
News |
Date Posted | Message |
04/05/19 | Exam 3 Part 1 will be given on 4/12 . Exam 3 Part 2 will be given on 4/18 at 6:00 pm for all classes. |
04/05/19 | The final exam is scheduled for Friday, May 3, 7-10 pm in Swan Auditorium. Make-ups are available only for students with direct conflicts or 3 exams on that day. See your professor to discuss a makeup. | 3/01/19 | Exam 2 Part 1 will be given on 3/08 and will cover the material in Chapter 3 up to and including 3.6. Exam 2 Part 2 will be given on 03/21 at 6:00 pm for all classes and will cover all of Chapter 3 plus the unit on Polynomial and Rational Inequalities. |
2/11/19 | Exam 1 Part 1 will be given on 2/15 and will cover the material in Chapter 1. Exam 1 Part 2 will be given on 2/21 for all classes. |
1/25/19 | The Algebra Diagnostic Test will be given on the second day of class for students to understand their level of pre-requisite skills. |
1/23/19 | The first day of class is January 23, 2019! |
This website is the course syllabus. Pre-Calculus is a coordinated course with common evening exams. This course is designed for students who need to strengthen their background in mathematics before taking Calculus. Earning a C- or better in MTH 111 is a prerequisite requirement for both MTH131 and MTH 141. Please use this course website to familiarize yourself with the policies, procedures and components for this course. If you have any quetions, please consult your instructor.
This course uses an online text book. Please click the image to view your textbook.
Precalculus textbook
According to the University Manual section 8.51.11 :
Students who plan to be absent from classes or examinations for religious holy days that traditionally preclude secular activity (see 6.20.11 for how such information is made available) shall discuss this with the appropriate instructor(s) in advance of the holy day. The instructor(s) shall then make one of the following options available: a. the same quiz, test, or examination to be administered either before or after the normally scheduled time; b. a comparable alternative quiz, test, or examination to be administered either before or after the scheduled time; c. an alternative weighting of the remaining evaluative components of the course which is mutually acceptable to the student and instructor(s).According to the University Manual section 8.51.12:
Students who expect to be absent from classes or examinations for University sanctioned events shall discuss this with the appropriate instructor(s) at least one week in advance of the sanctioned event(s). The instructor(s) concerned shall then offer the student an alternative listed in section 8.51.11. For these purposes, University-sanctioned events shall be those events approved for class excuses by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, a Vice President, a Dean, or the Director of Intercollegiate Athletics. No event shall be regarded as University sanctioned until the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs has been notified. Disagreements over the validity of an event being categorized as University sanctioned shall be mediated by the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. If agreement cannot be reached, the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs shall decide the matter and that decision shall be final.Exam part 1 (In class) |
Date |
In class Exam 1 Part 1 | 2/15 |
In class Exam 2 Part 1 | 3/8 |
In class Exam 3 Part 1 | 4/12 |
The questions are not multiple choice but test concepts similar to the multiple choice evening exam questions. This does NOT replace or add points to your exam 2 grade. These points are separate from your exam points and are REQUIRED points.
Exam Part 2 (Evenings) | Time/Date | Location by Section Numer |
Exam 1 Part 2 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm Thursday February 21 | Chafee 271 |
Exam 2 Part 2 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm Thursday March 21 | Chafee 271 |
Exam 3 Part 2 | 6:00pm - 7:30pm Thursday April 18 | Chafee 271 |
Final Exam | TBD | TBD |
According to the University’s Student Manual:
Students are expected to be honest in all academic work. A student’s name on any written work, quiz or exam shall be regarded as assurance that the work is the result of the student’s own independent thought and study. Work should be stated in the student’s own words, properly attributed to its source. Students have an obligation to know how to quote, paraphrase, summarize, cite and reference the work of others with integrity. The following are examples of academic dishonesty:
Category | Points |
Exam 1 Part 1 | 50 points |
Exam 1 Part 2 | 100 points |
Exam 2 Part 1 | 50 points |
Exam 2 Part 2 | 100 points |
Exam 3 Part 1 | 50 points |
Exam 3 Part 2 | 100 points |
Final Exam | 200 points |
Online WebWork Homework | 200 points |
Classwork - The particular breakdown of classwork points will be given by your instructor. | 50 points |
TOTAL | 900 points To pass with a C- and move on you need 630 points. |
Letter Grade | Numerical Values |
A | (92% - 100%) |
A- | (90% - 91%) |
B+ | (87% - 89%) |
B | (82% - 86%) |
B- | (80% - 81%) |
C+ | (77% - 79%) |
C | (72% - 76%) |
C- | (70% - 71%) |
D+ | (67% - 69%) |
D | (60% - 66%) |
F | (0% - 59%) |
Math Department: For Spring 2019, MTH111 drop-in tutoring is available Monday through Thursday from 12 - 6pm in Lippitt 206 (see http://www.math.uri.edu/tutoring/ for more details).
URI Academic Enhancement Center (AEC): See: https://web.uri.edu/aec/tutoring/ for more information.
Check out these websites for help on topics covered in class!
Embedded Math Purple Math Math - TV MathIsFun Khan Academy