Araceli Bonifant
Office: Tyler Hall 217
Phone: 874-4394
Office Hours: Tuesday 4:00 PM, Wednesday 4:00 PM.
Textbook: Hughes-Hallett, et. al., 3rd edition, Applied Calculus.
Calculators: A graphing calculator is required.
This is a coordinated course. You will find the Official Web Page of the course by clicking here Course Schedule .
Policies: You are expected to abide by the University's civility policy:
"The University of Rhode Island is committed to developing and actively protecting a class environment in which respect must be shown to everyone in order to facilitate the expression, testing, understanding, and creation of a variety of ideas and opinions. Rude, sarcastic, obscene or disrespectful speech and disruptive behavior have a negative impact on everyone's learning and are considered unacceptable. The course instructor will have disruptive persons removed from the class."
Cell phones, IPods, beepers and laptops must be turned off in class.
You are required to do your own work unless specifically told otherwise by your instructor. In support of honest students, those discovered cheating on assignments or exams will receive a grade of zero on the assignment or exam. Use of unauthorized aids such as cheat sheets or information stored in calculator memories, will be considered cheating. The Mathematics Department and the University strongly promote academic integrity.
Homework: We will be using WileyPLUS online homework system in this course. To sign up for the WileyPlus system, you will need a WileyPLUS registration code. Besides the online homework assignments the syllabus has a list of suggested practice problems and not homework problems to be handed in. If you do your weekly homework assignments and the practice problems suggested in the syllabus you will have no problem with the exams.
Quizzes: There will be weekly or biweekly quizzes. The quiz will be given on Thursday. I will drop the lowest quiz at the end of the term.