Section 3 | Section 4 |
TuTh 9:30AM - 10:45AM | TuTh 12:30PM- 1:45PM |
Bliss Hall 206 | Wales Hall 223 |
Araceli Bonifant
Office: Tyler Hall 217
Phone: 4-4394
Office Hours: Tuesday 2:00 PM, Wednesday 2:00 PM and by appointment.
Section 3 | Section 4 |
W 10:00AM - 10:50AM (Tyler Hall 106) | F 2:00PM - 2:50PM (Tyler Hall 106) |
Kevin Laley | Todd Woodard |
Office: Tyler Hall 105 | Office: Tyler Hall 102 |
Email: | Email: |
Office Hours:MW 12:30-2:00PM |
Office Hours: MTuW 12:00-1:00PM |
Textbook: Hughes-Hallet, et. al., Calculus (Fourth Edition)
About the course: This second course in calculus assumes that you know and can use the basic ideas covered in MTH 141. As in MTH 141, we will approach new ideas and problems from algebraic, graphical, and numerical points of view.
Clicking here Course Schedule you will get a detailed syllabus of the course. The syllabus is always subject to change according to the needs of the class.
Prerequisites: MTH 141 or equivalent.
How to succeed in MTH142
Goals and Objectives.
The goals are to have you develop symbol manipulation skills, mathematical modelling skills, skills in the use of technology to treat mathematical problems, an understanding of the language of calculus, and an appreciation for the uses of calculus in the sciences.
At the conclusion of this semester you should be able to:
Policies: You are expected to abide by the University's civility policy:
"The University of Rhode Island is committed to developing and actively protecting a class environment in which respect must be shown to everyone in order to facilitate the expression, testing, understanding, and creation of a variety of ideas and opinions. Rude, sarcastic, obscene or disrespectful speech and disruptive behavior have a negative impact on everyone's learning and are considered unacceptable. The course instructor will have disruptive persons removed from the class."
Cell phones, IPods, beepers and any electronic device must be turned off in class.
You are required to do your own work unless specifically told otherwise by your instructor. In support of honest students, those discovered cheating on assignments or exams will receive a grade of zero on the assignment or exam. Use of unauthorized aids such as cheat sheets or information stored in calculator memories, will be considered cheating. The Mathematics Department and the University strongly promote academic integrity.
Grading Policy:
There will be three evening exams on Thursdays, 6 PM - 7:30 PM, common for all sections. Location for each section will be listed in this page. A comprehensive final exam will be common for all sections. The time and place will be announced.
: 100pts | |
: 100pts | |
: 150pts (cumulative) | |
: 150pts | |
: 50pts | |
: 550pts |
Exam Schedule:
Exam I : | 5-6:30pm, Thursday, October 4th, CHAF 271 |
Exam II : | 6-7:30pm, Thursday, Nov. 8th, BISC AUDI. |
Final Exam: | December ??? |
Homework: Homework will be assigned weekly but not collected or graded (unless we realize that you are not doing the homework, in which case we will have to start to collect weekly homework assignments). The weekly quiz may be based on homework assignments. If you do your weekly homework assignments you will have no problem with the exams or quizzes.
Quizzes: There will be weekly or biweekly quizzes. The quiz will be given mostly during the recitation session (either Wednesday or Friday, depending on which section you belong to). We will drop the lowest quiz at the end of the term.
There will be no make up quizzes or exams.
Maple Information: We will continue the use of Maple in this course. The Maple software is available in most computer labs at both URI Kingston and Providence sites. If you did not take MTH 141 at URI last semester you might be unfamiliar with Maple. There is a lab at the Mathematics Department, which is located at 101 Tyler Hall, which is staffed with Maple helpers whenever it is open.