MTH 243 Multivariable Calculus Spring 2020
Section 2

  • Text: McCallum,Hughes-Hallett,, Multivariable Calculus, 7th Edition, with WileyPLUS.
  • Online Homework: We will use online homework WileyPLUS.
    See information below.
  • Calculators: A graphing calculator is recommended.
  • Instructor: Barbara Kaskosz, Lippit Hall 202J, 874.4445,
    Office hours: TTH 12:30pm-2pm online.

The course's webpage and the calendar are updated to reflect the changes due to COVID-19. Check our Sakai site for more details.

Click for a 3D grapher (Flash required).  

 Click Here for Calendar and Syllabus 

WileyPLUS Online Homework System

We will be using WileyPLUS online homework system in this course. To sign up for the WileyPLUS system, you will need a WileyPLUS registration code. Make sure that you have a code for the 7th edition of our book.

The URI Bookstore offers our textbook bundled with a registration code. Another possibilty is to buy a standalone WileyPLUS registration code from the WileyPLUS site or from the URI Bookstore. WileyPLUS registration gives you access to an electronic version of the textbook.

You can register for our section of MTH 243 by going to WileyPLUS Course Finder and entering your 6 digit Course ID specific for our section: 745907. You will find instructions in the WileyPLUS flyer for our section.

Exams and Evaluation

There will be two exams during the semester. Exam 1: Tuesday, February 25, in class. Exam 2 will be given online. The exam will be posted on our WileyPlus site on Friday, 4/17 at 11 am. Check our Sakai site for details. Final Exam is scheduled as before on Tuesday May 5. The Final will be online and will be posted on our WileyPlus site on Tuesday, May 5, at 11 am.

As of 3/23 all quizzes will be given online. Check our Sakai site for a detailed schedule.

Your grade will be based upon a possible total of 650 points, as follows:

  • Two exams at 150 points each -- 300 points,
  • Final exam -- 200 points,
  • WileyPLUS Homework -- 100 points.
  • Quizzes -- 50 points.

Your letter grade will be based approximately on the usual scale:

A (93% - 100%), A- (90% - 92%), B+ (87% - 89%), B (82% - 86%), B- (80% - 81%), C+ (77% - 79%), C (72% - 76%), C- (70% - 71%), D+ (67% - 69%), D (60% - 66%), F (0% - 59%).

Class Notes

Class notes (beginning with 13.3).

Sec 13.1, 13.2       Sec 13.3, 13.4       Sec 13.4 cont'd, 14.1, 14.2       Sec 14.1, 14.2 cont'd, 14.3       Sec 14.4, 14.5

Sec 14.6, 14.7, 15.1       Sec 15.3   (Read only)

Sec 16.1, 16.2, 16.3       Sec 16.4, 16.5       Sec 17.1 - 17.3       Sec 18.1 - 18.3       Sec 18.4

Available Help

MTH 243 is a difficult course and you may need help often. There will be much help available during the semester.

  • Your instructor's office hours: TTH 12:30pm-2pm online.
  • Academic Enhancement Center will hold tutoring online beginning 3/23/20. Check their website for schedule: Academic Enhancement Center.


You may find the following applets useful and illuminating. (The applets require Flash Player.)

Course Description

MTH 243 is a demanding course for students in the STEM disciplines. In order to succeed in this course, you will have to work systematically and hard. In this course we will cover the central topics in the calculus of functions of two and three variables as well as elements of vector analysis. This material is of great importance in engineering, physics, chemistry and other STEM disciplines. Take a look at the syllabus for the list of specific topics: Calendar and Syllabus.

Course Goals and Learning Outcomes

During the course you should be able to build proficiency in working with functions of more than one variable as well as vectors and operations on vectors. You will learn about partial and directional derivatives of multivariable functions, gradients, double and triple integrals. You will learn about vector fields and line integrals.


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