Jonathan Chavez-Casillas


Jonathan Chávez Casillas, Ph.D., an applied mathematics assistant professor at the University of Rhode Island, has been 4 years at the Department of Mathematics and Applied Mathematical Sciences. He has published 4 journal articles in the areas of Mathematical Finance, particularly in High-Frequency Trading and also in Mathematical Biology, particularly in Stochastic Epidemic models, and has 2 more forthcoming articles. He has given over 15 talks in both scientific venues and general mathematical divulgation settings at various levels. He teaches a wide variety of courses: on the undergraduate level, he teaches Linear Algebra, Differential Equations, and Probability while on the undergraduate/graduate he has taught Real Analysis, Mathematical Statistics, and Basic Random Processes. He has mentored students at the M.Sc. level and is looking to mentor more students for the Ph.D. level. He has been serving on departmental committees since 2018.

Jonathan Chavez-Casillas CV