Instructor: Lubos Thoma
Office: Tyler Hall 214
Tel: 874.4451
Class Schedule: TR 11 am, Tyler 106
Office hours: TR 1:30 - 2:30 pm and by appointment
Important dates -- exams, quizes, homework
GOALS OF THIS COURSE: Math 131 is a calculus course primarily intended for students in the life or social sciences, such as Biology, Pharmacy, and Economics. It is different (but not easier) than the four-credit calculus course, Math 141, designed for students who intend to take more advanced math, such as engineering, computer science, and mathemactics majors. The main emphasis will on the practical interpretation of calculus in numerical, graphical, and algebraic terms, although important theoretical concepts will also be covered. The main topics of the course are functions, differentiation, integration and applications.
EXPECTATIONS: We expect that you will give this
course 7-9 hours a week of your undivided attention, in addition to your class
time. This is an approximate figure of course, but don't assume that
you can spend less time than this and still get a grade you'll like. We also
expect that you will ATTEND YOUR CLASS.
There will be three exams given outside of class.
Scheduled on 2/19, 4/1, and
4/29, at 6:00-7:30 PM.
Locations will be announced in class.
All sections will take these exams.
The final exam will be scheduled at a common
time for all sections.
About 80% of the problems on the exams will be similar to
problems on the assigned problems list. The remainder will require a little
deeper mastery of the material.
GRADING: Your grade will be determined out of a
possible of 600 points:
three common tests, 100 points for each test
final exam 150 points
homework or classwork 150 points