Discrete Mathematics Group at URI

The faculty of our group is interested in a wide range of areas in discrete mathematics both pure and applied: graph theory, network theory, extremal and probabilistic methods, analytic methods, finite model theory, combinatorial games, combinatorial optimization, bioinformatics applications.

Seminar  Our seminar is held Fridays 1-2pm, Lippitt 204. Seminar archive.

Speaker Raechel Griffin, URI
Title On gaps in the gaussian primes
Time Friday April 21, 2023, 1pm, Lippitt 204
Abstract It is known that one cannot walk to infinity on the real line using only primes and steps of bounded length. We will survey what is known on the same problem for Gaussian primes in Z[i]. The later problem is presently unresolved. The MS presentation is based on papers by M. Das (Walking through the Gaussian Primes) and by E. Gethner, S. Wagon, B. Wick (A Stroll through the Gaussian Primes).


Faculty and their research
     Michael Barrus, graph theory
     Nancy Eaton, graph theory
     Barbara Kaskosz, analysis and its applications to discrete mathematics
     William Kinnersley, graph theory and combinatorial games
     Lubos Thoma, extremal and probabilistic combinatorics

Doctoral students
     Lilith Wagstrom
     Emily Barranca
     John Jones
     Nikolas Townsend

Graduate courses   MTH547 Combinatorics, MTH548 Graph Theory, MTH515/516 Algebra, MTH550 Probability and Stochastic Processes, MTH581 Optimization Methods, MTH656 Probability on Discrete Structures, CSC541 Advanced Topics in Algorithms, CSC542 Mathematical Analysis of Algorithms, CSC544 Theory of Computation, Special topics courses in Extremal Graph Theory, Ramsey Theory, Algebraic Combinatorics.

Discrete mathematics nearby
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