Fall 2016 - Course Webpage
This website is the course syllabus.
This course is designed for students who need to strengthen their background in mathematics before taking Calculus. Earning a C- or better in MTH 111 is a prerequisite requirement for both MTH131 and MTH 141.
Please use this course website to familiarize yourself with the policies, procedures and components for this course. If you have any quetions, please consult your instructor.
Pretest 3 will be given in class either Monday, November 21 for MWF classes or Tuesday, November 22 for TTh classes. Pretest 3 covers the material in Chapter 3.
Exam 3 will be given Thursday, December 1 from 6:30 - 8:00 pm and covers the material in Chapter 3.
The location for Exam 3 is as follows:
Lippitt 204 for Section 004 Gambino,
Lippitt 205 for Section 003 Van Beaver,
CBLS 100 for Sections 001, 002 and 005 Lee, Hadley
White 113 for Secton 006 Barnes
The final exam is scheduled for Friday, December 16, 3 - 6 pm in Chafee 271 for all sections. The final exam will cover all material covered during the semseter.
Course Material
Fundamentals of Precalculus 2nd edition, by M. Dugopolski,
Pearson Publishing (Custom Edition for URI or Standard Edition)
A calculator is not needed on exams.
Exam permitted calculator.
Basic function (+, -, ×, ÷) calculators are the ONLY calculators permitted on exams
(e.g. TI-108 ).
A cellphone CANNOT be used as a calculator!
Examples of calculators not permitted on exams. (The list is not complete.)
Graphing calculators (e.g. TI-89)
Scientific calculators (e.g. TI-34).
Check with your instructor (before you go to an exam) if you are not sure if the calculator
you have can be used on the exams.
WeBWorK Online Homework System
Online homework will be administered using the free system WeBWorK.
Log in at Your username is your URI
student ID number, and your default password is the first eight letters your last name in all lowercase letters. Ignore
spaces and characters other than letters. Use your entire last name if it contains eight or less letters.
Some examples:
Tim Smith, Jr., password: smithjr
Bob Jones-Smith, password: jonessmi
John O'Sullivan, password: osulliva
Please change your password as soon as you log in. This will be in the upper left menu.
All questions about online homework system WeBWorK, please email
Each weekly assignment opens on Monday at 12:01am and is due 10 days later on Wednesday at 11:59pm. Late submissions will not be accepted for any reason.
The week number and range of availability for each assignment overlap but do not
coincide. The week number is listed to display the week during which the problem set
was initially assigned, with Week 0 being the sole exception.
The last column lists the total number of problems assigned during that particular week.
Make sure to get them all done by the due date.
There are 537 total problems assigned in WeBWorK this semester,
so 7.2 WeBWorK questions are equal to approximatelt one MTH 111 grade point.
Exams and Grade Evaluation
There will be
three common evening exams and a common final exam this semester.
Exam Time/Date
Location by section number
Exam 1 6:30pm - 8:00pm Thursday October 6
see first page for locations
Exam 2 6:30pm - 8:00pm Thursday November 3
see first page for locations
Exam 3 6:30pm - 8:00pm Thursday December 1
see first page for locations
Final Exam Friday, December 16 3 - 6 pm.
All sections Chafee 271
The following policies apply to all exams, and no exceptions will be made.
You must have a URI Photo ID with you to take an exam, and show it to the proctor as you hand in your exam.
No books, bags, papers, extra scrap paper, or anything else may be taken with you to your seat. If you bring any of these items with you, you must leave them at the front of the room.
A calculator is not needed on exams, however you may use a basic function (+, -, ×, ÷) calculators. A basic function calculators are the ONLY calculators permitted
on exams (e.g. TI-108).
No cellphones, MP3 players, or any electronic devices of any kind may be used or even accessible to you at any time during the exam. Any student found with any cell phone or electronic device for ANY REASON during an exam is cheating.
You may not ask any questions during the exam; understanding the questions is a part of the exam. If you think there is a typo or error, do the best that you can with the given information.
You may not leave the room during the exam. Remember to use the bathroom before the exam. If you leave the room for any reason, your exam will be collected.
Once finished, you must hand your exam to a proctor (your instructor, if in the room) and show your URI photo ID.
You are advised to bring multiple pencils to the exams, just in case. Do NOT use a pen.
A (92% - 100%)
A- (90% - 91%)
B+ (87% - 89%)
B (82% - 86%)
B- (80% - 81%)
C+ (77% - 79%)
C (72% - 76%)
C- (70% - 71%)
D+ (67% - 69%)
D (60% - 66%)
F (0% - 59%)
Compute Grade -> (your total points)/800 * 100 = your percentage
Final exam date and time will be posted during the semester and
cannot be changed. You may only
request a date change if you have three final exams in one
Incompletes can only be given if you are passing the course at the time of the request.
No across the board curves allowed.
No extra credit allowed.
The particular breakdown of the Class work points will be given by your instructor.
All other points: Exams, Final Exam, In class Pretest, Diagnostic Test, and WeBWorK,
will be as stated above for ALL sections.
Policy on Make-ups for Exams
The following policies apply to all Make-up exams, and no exceptions will be made.
Makeup exams may be scheduled in the event you are unable to attend the evening
exams under the following conditions. Note in particular that if you must miss the
exam because of a scheduling conflict, you must notify your instructor before,
not after, the exam, and emergencies require you to
contact your instructor within 24 hours.
If your reason for missing the exam as scheduled is:
(i) a University santioned event for which verifiable documentation can be provided
(including another scheduled class), or
(ii) a responsibility to an employer that cannot be rescheduled (with documentation
Such events are scheduled in advance, so you must provide advanced notice to your instructor
in order to have a makeup exam. Failure to provide this advanced notice will result in a grade
of 0 for the exam. No exceptions. Makeup exams must be scheduled after the actual exam, and
preferably before the class period when exams are to be handed back, but no later than two
class days (excluding weekends and holidays) after the actual exam.
If the reason for missing the exam as scheduled is due to:
(i) illness (with verifiable documentation from a medical provider), or
(ii) an emergency (with appropriate documentation), then you MUST INFORM
YOUR INSTRUCTOR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE EXAM and provide documentation upon your return.
Failure to notify your instructor within 24 hours will result in a 0 for the exam. No exceptions. Makeup exams may be scheduled no later than two class days (excluding weekends and holidays) after the actual exam, unless the illness or emergency precludes this, in which case the makeup exam will be given on a common date during the last few weeks of the semester.
If your circumstances do not meet either of the above (no documentation, a non-emergency excuse without sufficient notice, etc.), then you will receive a zero for the missed exam. No exceptions.
In class
Before each exam there will be an in class pretest worth 25 points.
In class Pretest Date
In class Pretest 1 Sep. 29 for a TTh class or Sep. 30 for a MWF class
In class Pretest 2 Oct. 27 for a TTh class or Oct. 28 for a MWF class
In class Pretest 3 Nov. 22 for a TTh class or Nov. 21 for a MWF class
The questions are non-multiple choice and similar to the multiple choice evening exam questions.
This does NOT replace or add points to your exam grade .
These points are separate from your exam points and are REQUIRED points.
MTH111 Learning Outcomes and Objectives
The primary goal of MTH 111 is to prepare you
for calculus (MTH131 or MTH141).
The calculus sequence is
often an essential step toward degree and career objectives, so MTH 111 is also such a step.
Thus MTH 111 is aimed at the student for whom it will be the first of an important series of
courses rather than a last math course.
The prerequiste requirement for MTH131 and MTH141 is earning a C- or better in MTH 111.
This course completely fulfills the general education requirements for Mathematical, Statistical or Computational Strategies, (MSCS) A,B and C elements and for Knowledge Outcome: STEM Discipline (STEM) elements. However, this course is NOT a good choice simply to fulfill a general education requirement. It demands a very substantial amount of hard work for 3 credits.
In order to succeed in this course and future math courses, you will have to master the following 10 Precalculus Competency Areas (PCA).
PCA-1: Inequalities Solve and graph simple linear inequalities, compound inequalities, absolute value inequalities quadratic inequalities and rational inequalities
Rubric Elements A.1, A.2, B.2, STEM1, STEM2
PCA-2: Graphs and Graphing Find the distance between and midpoint of two points. Calculate and graph x-intercepts and y-intercepts. Graph horizontal and vertical lines. Identify families of functions and shifted graphs for linear, quadratic, cubic, square root, cubic root and greatest integer functions. Transform the graphs of linear, quadratic, cubic, square root and step functions by identifying the horizontal and vertical shifts, stretches, shrinkages and reflections. Discern symmetry from a graph. Graph piecewise functions. Determine and notate increasing, decreasing and constant intervals.
Rubric Elements A.2, A.2, B.1, C.3, STEM1, STEM2, STEM3, STEM4
PCA-3: Linear Equations and Lines Calculate and identify the slope of a line, slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines, and slopes of vertical and horizontal lines. Create the equation of a line given two points or given a point and a slope or the line parallel or perpendicular. Detect the slope of a line given the graph of the line.
Rubric Elements A.1, A.2, B.1, B.2, STEM1, STEM2, STEM3
PCA-4: Functions Test whether a given relation is a function for sets, graphs and equations. Use function notation. Evaluate the value of a function. Explain piecewise functions. Perform basic operations with functions. Determine the domain and range of a function. Compute the difference quotient of a function. Compose two or more functions. Test whether a given function is even or odd algebraically. Explain how to determine one-to-one functions for sets, graphs and equations. Find the inverse of a given function. Verify inverse functions using composition. Find the inverse of a mathematical model.
Rubric Elements A.1, A.2, B.1, B.2 C.1, C.2, C.3, STEM1, STEM2, STEM5, STEM6. STEM7
PCA-5: Polynomials Factor polynomials, expand/multiply polynomials. Convert from the standard quadratic form to the standard parabola form by completing the square. Find the vertex, axis of symmetry, and other properties of a parabola represented by given quadratic function. Perform basic operations on complex numbers. Solve quadratic equations with real and imaginary roots. Divide two polynomials by both the long division and synthetic division methods. Recognize and apply the Zero Factor Theorem. Interpret and apply the Remainder Theorem. Interpret and apply the Rational Roots Theorem. Interpret and apply Descartes Rule of Signs. Graph higher order polynomials. Determine the end behavior of a polynomial function using the Leading Coefficient Test. Find all roots of a higher order polynomial. Determine the behavior of a polynomial function at the x-intercepts. Create the polynomial given its roots (both real and complex). Understand and apply the Complex Conjugate Theorem. Graph higher order polynomial functions.
Rubric Elements A.1, A.2, B.1, B.2, STEM1, STEM2, STEM5, STEM6
PCA-6: Radicals and Exponents Perform basic operations on radical expressions. Explain the domain of exponential functions. Graph exponential functions and the associated family of functions. Simplify exponential expressions. Transform between radical, fractional and exponential forms.
Rubric Elements A.1, A.2, C.1, STEM1, STEM2, STEM5
PCA-7: Rational Expressions Identify the domain of a rational expression. Evaluate rational expressions. Determine the vertical and horizontal asymptotes. Graph rational equations including asymptotes and holes.
Rubric Elements A.1, A.2, B.1, B.2, STEM1, STEM2, STEM5, STEM6
PCA-8: Trigonometric Functions Evaluate basic trigonometric functions. Convert angles to degrees or radians. Find the domain and the range of the trigonometric functions. Understand Sine and Cosine functions from unit circle. Memorize and recall the trigonometric values at important angles based on unit circle. Understand and identify the graphs of trigonometric functions. Calculate the values of all other trigonometric functions. Transform and graph Sine and Cosine functions including phase shifts, periodicity and amplitude. Determine the values and graph inverse trigonometric functions. Solve right triangles and use right triangle trigonometry to solve application problems involving angle of elevation and angle of depression. Memorize and recall the Pythagorean Identities, Odd and Even Identities, Sum and Difference Identities, Double-Angle Identities and Half-Angle Identities. Simplify trigonometric expressions and prove equivalent expressions using trigonometric identities.
Rubric Elements A.1, A.2, B.1, C.1, C.2, STEM1, STEM2, STEM5, STEM6, STEM7
PCA-9: Logarithms Evaluate logarithms. Apply logarithmic rules to simplify an expression. Solve logarithmic equations. Solve exponential equations. Understand and apply the properties of exponential functions and logarithmic functions. Apply mathematical methods and properties of exponential and logarithmic functions to solve real world application problems of compound interest calculation and radioactive decay.
Rubric Elements A.1, A.2, B.1, B.2, C.1, C.2, C.3, STEM1, STEM2, STEM3, STEM5, STEM6, STEM7
PCA-10: Problem Solving For all PCAs, justify solutions and the problem solving process. Verify, interpret and communicate solutions with respect to the original problem. C.2, C.3, STEM7
Attendance and Advice
The math department expects that you will give this course 12-14 hours per week
of your undivided attention, in addition to class time.
The key to success in this course is the problem material. It is very important
that you try all the assigned problems listed on the syllabus and do all of the WeBWorK problems.
The problems chosen for each textbook section indicate what we feel is important in that
section and which ideas and skills you should focus on.
Also, an important part of this course is strengthening your algebra skills and using them in
new ways. Much of your success in precalculus depends on your grasp of basic algebra -- be prepared to review basic algebra and seek help as needed.
Students with Disabilities
Any student with a documented disability should contact your instructor early in the semester so that he or she may work out reasonable accommodations with you to support your success in this course. Students should also contact Disability Services for Students: Office of Student Life, 330 Memorial Union, 874-2098. They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.
Sakai is being used in part for this course.
All math 111 instructors have a Sakai site for their math 111 section.
The Sakai site will contain your grades and how the classwork points will be given.
Your instructor might place other important class material in the Sakai course shell. Check with your instructor.
You can access Sakai at the following web address:
Use your e-campus id and your URI Webmail password.