Maple worksheets for Linear
As part of an ILI grant from the NSF to Saint Louis University, we
developed material to extend some of the teaching methods of calculus
reform to upper level courses. One of the sub-project is to teach
linear algebra in a computer classroom,using the computer whenever it
seems appropriate for the material to be taught. We are using the
computer algebra system Maple as the base tool on the computer.
Depending on what the instructor thought most effective for a
particular class and section of material, the worksheets have been
designed in several different models. I will describe them as the
classroom activity model, the
teacher demonstration model, and
the Maple feature
demonstration model.
Maple worksheets for Linear Algebra I
The classroom activity model for
worksheets -
- Assumptions:
- Organized classroom computer activities have the students
working, in groups or independently, on computers with the
instructor wandering around the room helping students when they
get stuck and keeping them on task.
- The standard syllabus is so packed that computer activities
need to be designed so that doing the activities covers new
material from the syllabus rather than simply being practice
- The course is designed to teach mathematics rather than
computer skills. Materials should be designed so the CAS
learning curve does not interfere with the mathematics learning
- When complicated coding is useful for a demonstration it
should be in a format where the student can run it without
being able to reproduce the programming. Parts of the code that
the student will need to modify to look at different examples
should be clearly labeled and easy to find.
- Exercises should require the student to explane or
interpret what the computer is doing. (Raw output should
generally not be an acceptable answer.)
- Implications:
- The worksheets contain enough text to be mathematically
self explanitory;
- The worksheets have examples that will execute without
- The worksheets have exercises where the student is required
to consider other examples and interpret the results of
computer calculations. The exercises have been designed so that
the Maple programming skills needed are reduced to cutting,
pasting, and modifying examples from the same worksheet;
- The worksheets can either be done in class or assigned as
out of class assignments.
Classroom Activity worksheets for Linear
Algebra I
These worksheets follow, section by section, the material in the
text "Linear Algebra, Ideas and Applications" by Richard Penney,
published by Wiley Press. The worksheets vary from, a straightforward
adaptation of the material in the "On Line" sections of the book to
use Maple and a worksheet model, to worksheets that develope
supplemental material that the instructor thought appropriate at that
point in the course.
- Just Enough Maple for
Linear Algebra - This is a preliminary worksheet designed to
introduce the students to the mechanics of working with Maple
- Section 1.2 -
Working with and plotting vectors The
basic objectives are:
- Learn the basic mechanics of entering
vectors as lists, and producing linear combinations with either
addition or scalar multiplication.
- Learn to plot a set of vectors in
R^2 and R^3.
- Using a random number generator, see
what typical linear combinations of a pair of vectors look
- Section
1.3 - Systems of Linear Equations The
basic objectives are:
- Use Maple to visualize the solution
to a system of linear equations in R^2
- Use Maple to visualize the solution
to a system of linear equations in
- Express the general solution in
parametric form.
- Section 1.4 -
Gaussian Elimination The basic
objectives are:
- Converting between systems of
equations and matrices
- Using Maple commands for elementary
row operations
- Using more general Maple commands on
- Section 1.5 -
Solving Matrix Equations The basic
objectives are:
- Learn to use Maple to multiply
matrices and vectors.
- Learn to use Maple to solve
Matrix-vector equations.
- To do an extended
- Section
2.1 - Testing For Linear Independence
The basic objectives are:
- Use Gauss-Jordan elimination to test
the linear independence of column vectors of a
- Show that a set of real valued
functions are linearly independent.
- Show that a set of real valued
functions are linearly dependent.
- Section 2.2 -
Dimension The basic objectives
- Use Gauss-Jordan elimination to find
a basis for the column space of a matrix
- Use Gauss-Jordan elimination to find
a basis for the null space of a matrix
- Note a relationship between the
dimensions of these two spaces.
- Section 2.3 -
Constructing Random Matrices with specified rank
The basic objectives are:
- Learn how to produce a random matrix
of specified size and rank
- Explore how Maple finds a basis for
the row space and column space of a matrix.
- Relate the size of a matrix to the
dimensions of the null space, the column space, and the row
- OnLine 3.1 -
Visualizing Linear Transformations in R^2
The basic objectives are:
- Learn how to get Maple to draw simple
stick figures in R^2, and how to
do simple translations on the figures.
- Learn to represent a linear
transformation in R^2 as multiplication by a matrix.
Visualizing Linear Transformations in R^3;
- OnLine 3.2 -
Visualizing Linear Transformations in R^3
The basic objectives are:
- Learn how to have Maple draw a stick
figure of a car in
- Learn to represent a linear
transformation in R^3 as
multiplication by a matrix.
- Explore the relationships between the
matrix of transformation and the image and
- OnLine 3.3 -
Image of a Transformation The basic
objectives are:
- Investigate the image of a particular
linear transformation
- Graphically investigate the null
space of the linear transformation
- OnLine 3.5 - The LU
Decomposition The basic objectives
- Compute the LU decomposition, if
- See how elementary matrices are
involved in the process.
- Understand how the LU decomposition
is useful in solving systems of equations.
- OnLine 4.1 -
Coordinates The basic objectives
- Visualize the notion of
- Computing coordinates using the
"coordinate matrix".
- Computing coordinates relative to an
orthogonal basis.
- Online 4.3
- Fourier Approximations The basic objectives are:
- 1) Learn to compute Fourier approximations of functions on
the closed interval [-1, 1].
- 2) Plot functions against their Fourier approximations to
see that they are in fact good apporoximations.
- 3) See that Fourier approximations are effective for
functions that do not look like they would be easily
approximated by trigonometric polynomials.
- Online 6.1 -
Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues Goals of
this worksheet:
- Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors
for several 3 x 3 matrices
- Use eigenvectors and eigenvalues to
simplify a matrix computation.
- Online 6.2 -
Diagonalization Goals of this
- Construct a diagonalizable matrix
which has specified eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
- Compute powers of diagonalizable
matrices with ease!
The teacher demonstration model
for worksheets -
- Assumptions:
- A CAS package like Maple can be used effectively to
suppliment a traditional lecture by allowing the instructor to
work with "non-rigged" examples that would otherwise be avoided
because the details of the computations would obscure the point
of the computations.
- An example worked with Maple can make the class more
interactive by easily allowing exploration of similar problems.
(The instructor can answer questions equivalent to "Does it
always work like that, or is that feature of the result
specific to this one example?")
- There are many mathematical points that are made clearer
with the correct picture, but producing and justifying pictures
by hand is hard work even for the artistically inclined.
- Implications:
- The worksheets contain enough text for the student to
follow what is going on. The amount of text should be roughly
comparable to what would be written on the board.
- The entire worksheet will execute without
- The worksheet contains no exercises
Teacher Demonstration worksheets for Linear
Algebra I
- Basic matrix
computations - starts with a random matrix and walks through
the computations needed to:
- determine if a vector is in the row space;
- show how the reduced row echelon form makes questions on
membership in the row space easy to answer;
- examine the null space.
- Inverses - walks through
the development of the process of finding the inverse of a matrix
by solving a general system of equations with that matrix as the
matrix of coefficients.
- Fourier
approximations - walks through the computations needed to
justify that the functions used in a Fourier polynomial are
orthogonal and that they produce a reasonable approximation for an
example function.
- Quadratic forms I -
steps through the computations needed to rotate the axes of
quadratic surfaces in 2 and 3 dimensions to remove the cross terms
so the equations are in recognizable form.
- Quadratic forms II -
repeats the process with another example in 3 dimensions.
The Maple feature
demonstration model for worksheets -
- Assumptions:
- Besides structured activities, it is also useful for
students to use a tool like Maple on there own.
- It is effective to have a simple worked example to show how
they can use simple commands for independent work.
- Implications:
- These worksheets are short "ho to use Maple"
- The worksheets will focus on simple commands rather than on
exercises that require complicated coding.
Maple feature demonstration worksheets for
Linear Algebra I
- Sec1-1-PlotLinSys.mws
- Shows how to plot systems of linear equations in 2 and 3
- Sec1-2-GaussElim.mws
- shows how to use Maple to solve a matrix equation by Gaussian
elimination by using elementary operations.
- Sec2-2-BasicMatOps.mws
- shows how to add matrices, multiply by scalars, transpose
matrices, and extract entries of a matrix.
- Sec2-3-InvertMatrix.mws
- shows how to use Maple to invert a matrix and to verify that the
result is the inverse.
Maple workshhets for Linear Algebra
The second course we teach in Linear Algebra is more abstract
focusing more heavily on proofs and appropriate inclusion of computer
algebra is less clear.
Two worksheets were created for this class using the Maple feature
demonstration model. One of them looked at creating matrices with
specified Jordan
and Rational Blocks, and finding Jordan and Rational bases for a
matrix. This was intended to help the students work with nontrivial
examples to be able to follow the proofs in the study of canonical
forms. The second worksheet of this type looked at the Maple commands
for doing Gram
Schmidt orthogonalization.
A block of 3 worksheets was developed for the study of orthogonal
polynomials as a case study of inner product spaces. It was assumed
that the students had already seen inner product spces in the context
of Fourier series. The
worksheets have the students work through how different inner
products produce a different definition of close and what that means
in terms of a function space. The first worksheet compares Legandre
Polynomial approximation against the more familist Taylor series
approximation. The second worksheet compares Chebyshev
Polynomial approximation against Legandre Polynomial
approximation. The third worksheet worksheet compares Jacobi
Polynomial approximations with different weight functions.
Comments and feedback are appreciated. If you find the worksheets
useful, please e-mail me at
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Mathematics and Computer Science
Last modified: August 11, 1999