MTH 131 Ð Applied Calculus I

Spring 2018



Course Description


Basic topics in calculus for students who do not need all the topics in MTH 141. Limits, derivatives, and integrals of algebraic, logarithmic, and exponential functions. Applications including graphing, maxima and minima problems, etc. (Lec. 3/Online) Pre: passing a placement test or C- or better in MTH 111. Not for major credit in mathematics. Not open to students with credit or concurrent enrollment in MTH 141. (A1) (B3)




Course Sections









8-8:50 A.M.

Balentine 113

Erin Denette



8-8:50 A.M.

Balentine 105

Steven Gambino



9-9:50 A.M.

Quinn 104

Sarah Van Beaver



12:30-1:45 P.M.

Pastore 305

Aleksandr Kodess



11:00-11:50 A.M.

Ballentine 112

Erin Denette



11:00-11:50 A.M.

Swan 305

Ayse Sharland



12-12:50 P.M.

Pastore 305

Joseph Erickson



12-12:50 P.M.

Morrill 215

Albert Gerheim



8-8:50 A.M.

Chafee 244

Charles Faella






Textbook and Required Materials




Applied Calculus (Fifth Edition) by Hughes-Hallet et. al. with WileyPLUS Online Homework Access Code




A graphing calculator is required. Be sure to bring your calculator to class and to regular exams.





Course Calendar


An approximate schedule for the course can be found here.






Final grades will be based on class assignments, online WileyPLUS homework, three night exams, and a comprehensive final exam at a date/time/locale TBA. Total points is 660 with points distributed as follows:

Precalculus Enhancement Project

60 points

WileyPLUS Online Homework

75 points

Class Assignments

75 points


100 points each

Final Exam

150 points


There is no alternative credit in this course. Assignments will not be graded on a curve nor will any extra credit be made available.



Letter Grade Distribution


Final grades will be determined according to the following scale.


93-100    A

73-76.99 C

90-92.99 A-

70-72.99 C-

87-89.99 B+

67-69.99 D+

83-86.99 B

60-66.99 D

80-82.99 B-

0.0-59.99 F

77-79.99 C+






PreCalculus Enhancement Project


During the first regularly scheduled class, all students will take a gateway exam. The gateway exam consists of 20 precalculus problems to be completed within 45 minutes. There is no partial credit, and the exam is graded as either pass or fail. If you fail or miss the gateway exam, you will be automatically recruited to the Precalculus Enhancement Project (ÒMTH131-PCE-Spring2018Ó set up in Sakai).

Scoring. If you pass the gateway exam, you will receive 60 points, counted to the overall point total for this course. If you do not pass or miss the gateway exam, you will be added to the PCE project. This project will offer you six mini online lessons which afford you the opportunity to enhance your precalculus skills and earn up to 60 points through six corresponding 10-point online quizzes. All the points from these six quizzes will be counted toward the PCE portion of your overall course points.

Since 60 points of the total available 660 points is over 9% of the total points, not passing the gateway exam and not taking the PCE project would lower your final course grade by approximately a letter grade.

Purpose. Precalculus skills are essential to calculus courses. The PCE project is intended to provide a more focused online environment for URI students who may be unprepared for this course. This project provides an opportunity for students to enhance their math skills at their own pace and succeed in calculus classes. All mini lectures are designed following the pace of the course syllabus, and they will be ready to take in your Sakai account, under site ÒMTH131-PCE-Spring2018Ó.




WileyPLUS Online Homework System


You will be given weekly homework assignments via the WileyPLUS Online Homework System. Typically, homework assignments will be made available the Monday of the week that the corresponding sections are scheduled to be covered and will be due at 11:00pm on the Tuesday following the lecture week. Late submissions will be accepted with a 50% point deduction.

To sign up for this system, you will need a WileyPlus registration code.

_      If you buy a new text book, make sure to buy the book bundled with WileyPlus code. (ISBN: 9781118865590) _

_      If you buy a used book, you need to buy the WileyPlus registration code separately. You can directly purchase the code from WileyPlus website for about $90; you can also buy the code alone from URI book store.

_      Your WileyPlus code comes with an electronic version of the text book in your WileyPlus account.

You register for the WileyPLUS system by going to the URL that is unique to your section of MTH 131, so do not sign up for WileyPLUS until you are sure which section of MTH 131 you are taking.



WileyPLUS SignUP Link


Erin Denette



Steven Gambino



Sarah Van Beaver



Aleksandr Kodess



Erin Denette



Ayse Sharland



Joseph Erickson



Albert Gerheim



Charles Faella








This class will have three midterm exams and one final exam, with the following dates, times, and locations. Each exam (including the final) will be half multiple-choice and half free-response. You are required to bring your student ID to all exams.






Midterm Exam 1

Tuesday February 20


Chafee 271

Midterm Exam 2

Tuesday March 20


Chafee 271

Midterm Exam 3

Tuesday April 17


Edwards Auditorium

Final Exam






Make Up Exam Policy


Makeup exams may be scheduled in the event you are unable to attend exams under the following conditions. In particular, if you must miss the exam because of a scheduling conflict, you must notify your instructor before, not after, the exam, and emergencies require you to contact your instructor within 24 hours. See University Manual sections 8.51.10 and 8.51.14 for guidelines.

_      If your reason for missing the exam as scheduled is (i) a University sanctioned event for which verifiable documentation can be provided (including another scheduled class), (ii) a responsibility to an employer that cannot be rescheduled (with documentation from your employer), or (iii) Religious holidays, then you MUST INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE EXAM AND PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION IF REQUESTED. Makeup exams will be scheduled after the actual exam, and preferably before the class period when exams are to be handed back, but no later than one week after the original date.

_       If the reason for missing the exam as scheduled is due to (i) illness (with verifiable documentation from a medical provider), or (ii) an emergency (with appropriate documentation), then you MUST INFORM YOUR INSTRUCTOR WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE EXAM and provide documentation upon your return. Failure to notify your instructor within 24 hours will result in a 0 for the exam. No exceptions. Makeup exams may be scheduled no later than a week after the original date, unless the illness or emergency precludes this, in which case the makeup exam will be given on a common date during the last few weeks of the semester.

_     If your circumstances do not meet either of the above (no documentation, a non- emergency excuse without sufficient notice, etc.), then you will receive a zero for the missed exam. No exceptions.



Electronic Device Policy


Cell phones, iPads, iPods, laptops, etc. should be turned off during class. Excepted from this are electronic pads used for note-taking and graphing calculators. Your instructor may tell you about other exceptions. ÒTextingÓ is not allowed.




Attendance Policy


Attendance is a vital and necessary part of this course. While there is no formal attendance policy, we cover a lot of information at a rapid pace; missing a class will result in a large amount of material missed. Students are responsible for all missed work, regardless of the reason for absence. It is also the absenteeÕs responsibility to get all missing notes or materials.



Other Policies


All class materials (e.g. notes, projects, exams, lectures, etc.) are property of the University of Rhode Island and the instructor. Copying, audio recording, video taping, taking pictures, and/or posting any course material is not allowed without consent of the instructor and the University of Rhode Island. In particular, STUDENTS IN THIS COURSE ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED FROM USING ANY COURSE MATERIALS (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, NOTES TAKEN IN CLASS) FOR THE PURPOSE OF SELLING THEM FOR PROFIT.



Special Needs


Any student with a documented disability should contact your instructor early in the semester so that he or she may work out reasonable accommodations with you to support your success in this course. Students should also contact Disability Services for Students: Office of Student Life, 330 Memorial Union, 874-2098. They will determine with you what accommodations are necessary and appropriate. All information and documentation is confidential.






There is help available from the Academic Enhancement Center (AEC). The AEC offers tutoring (both walk-in and appointment-based types) and academic coaching. For more information on AEC services and study tips, visit the AEC website at




Incomplete Grade


University of Rhode Island regulations concerning incomplete grades will be followed. See University Manual sections 8.53.20 and 8.53.21 for details.




Religious Holidays


It is the policy of the University of Rhode Island to accord students, on an individual basis, the opportunity to observe their traditional religious holidays. Students desiring to observe a holiday of special importance must provide written notification to each instructor.



Standards of Behavior


Students are responsible for being familiar with and adhering to the published ÒCommunity Standards of Behavior: University Policies and RegulationsÓ which can be accessed in the University Student Handbook ( If you must come in late, please do not disrupt the class. Please turn off all cell phones or any electronic devices.