Fall 2018
Welcome to the Fall 2018 course website for MTH 103 - Applied PreCalculus! This website is the course syllabus. MTH 103 satisfies the A1 - science, technology, engineering, and mathematical (STEM) and B3 - mathematical, statistical, or computational general education outcomes.
Applied PreCalculus is a coordinated course with common evening exams. All pertinent information about the course can be found by using the tabs above. Section specific announcements and individual grades will be available via Sakai. Course grades, useful resources, and information specific to your section, including classwork policies, may also be found on Sakai. You are expected to check the Sakai site and your URI email frequently. The AEP Program for MTH 103 will also operate within Sakai.
Section | Day/Time | Room | Instructor | Wiley Link |
0001 | MWF 9-9:50 A.M. | Woodward 318 | Erika Fiore | www.wileyplus.com/class/662964 |
0002 | MWF 8-8:50 A.M. | Kirk Auditorium | Meredith Boyajian | www.wileyplus.com/class/662966 |
0003 | MWF 10-10:50 A.M. | Forgarty 214 | Madhav Sharma | www.wileyplus.com/class/662970 |
0004 | MWF 12-12:50 P.M. | White 204 | Alexander Clifford | www.wileyplus.com/class/662971 |
0005 | MWF 12-12:50 P.M. | Keaney Gym 208 | Glenn Faubert | www.wileyplus.com/class/662972 |
0006 | TTh 11 A.M.-12:15 P.M. | Quinn Auditorium | Erin Denette | www.wileyplus.com/class/662973 |
0007 | TTh 11 A.M.-12:15 P.M. | Chafee 244 | Daniel Hadley | www.wileyplus.com/class/662974 |
0008 | 12:30-1:45 P.M. | Swan 311 | Daniel Hadley | www.wileyplus.com/class/662975 |
Lecture: (3 credits). Linear, quadratic, power, exponential, logarithmic and periodic functions - their graphs and properties. Emphasis on interpretation and real-life applications, examples and modeling. Not for major credit in mathematics. Not intended for students planning to take MTH 111 or MTH 141. (A1) (B3)
The language of science is mathematics, and functions and modeling are an indispensable part of science, technology, engineering, and other fields. MTH103 is intended for students in life sciences and any other areas where applications of mathematics are important. This course will make precise and deepen your understanding of fundamental concepts such as algebraic expressions, equations, graphs, functions, and modeling. You will apply these concepts to problems in the physical and biological sciences involving change, motion, and growth. You will also receive an introduction to exponential, logarithmic, and periodic functions and their applications. At the end of the semester you will be able to calculate with and apply these concepts and methods, including functions that are linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic and periodic. You will become comfortable working with algebraic expressions in the context of real life applications.
Are you planning to take MTH 131 soon? Remember that the MTH131 pre-requisite is a C- or better grade in either MTH103 or MTH111.
Students in MTH 103 are expected to be familiar with each of the following topics and will be tested on their knowledge of these topics via the Algebra Diagnostic Exam/Algebra Enhancement Project (details given under the Grading/Exams tab above).